Week 24 – I Love the Truth

As I concentrated on week 24 of the Master Key….I felt good knowing that my True Health DMP is manifesting right now…I am embracing these words right now in my life….

5. When you come to know that every form of disease, sickness, lack and limitation
are simply the result of wrong thinking, you will have come to know “the Truth
which shall make you free.” You will see how mountains may be removed. If these
mountains consist only of doubt, fear, distrust or other forms of discouragement,
they are none the less real, and they need not only to be removed but to be “cast
into the sea.”

6. Your real work consists in convincing yourself of the truth of these statements.
When you have succeeded in doing this you will have no difficulty in thinking the truth, and as has been shown, the truth contains a vital principle and will manifest itself.

I remembered these words…..

The truth, as God intended, alone can provide the congenial, friendly atmosphere required by man’s living soul.  Without a sufficient amount of truth, body synergism will be put off balance, diminishing sooner or later the development of a strong immune system resulting in the proliferation of disease.

I considered when Yeshua (Jesus) spoke of Nicodemus being born again. He merely was implying that Nicodemus was dead because of the untruths that had influenced his mode of thinking.  His eyes saw (perceived) things differently.  His feet moved on a path away from God, and his hands worked for another (ungodly) objective.  Except that a man has been born again in truth – to perceive, understand and do right – he cannot manifest truth.  Truth is the only resurrector of the spiritually dead. 

I am True Health






Week 23 – Silence

During this week I focused on being still…I remembered…

“If God is a spirit then obviously those He created in His image and likeness are spirit.  Subsequently, the logical consistency of the creative process requires that He be worshipped as spirit and Truth.  Those worshipping God according to this criteria are to be acknowledged as the true worshippers, while those not are simultaneoulsy defined as false worshippers.  If God is a spirit, we are spirit and must worship Him as spirit, we must be endowed with the understanding of the spirit.” 

The Holy Spirit is that inherent, ingrained element that guides one on the proper and righteous course of life. It sees, hears and knows all things.  It is that omnipresent, omnipotent, all conquering force that rules supreme.  The only solution for every problem that we face is the return of the Holy Spirit.   

I am at peace. 

Week 22a – Emotions

During this week…I continue to focus on mastering my emotions.

As Og Mandino stated in Scroll VI:  “Today I will be master of my emotions.  Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts.

From this moment I am prepared to control whatever personality awakes in me each day. I master my moods through positive action and when I master my moods I control my destiny. ”

You see…when I know who I am, my primary focus and purpose in life is to work continuously on myself and live up to my greatest potential.  When I really know who I am, I know that there is nothing stronger than a commitment to myself.  My self esteem begins with the belief that I have a responsibility to always do my best, that my best is always good enough, and that no one other than me can destroy my self esteem.  I realize that I destroy my sense of self and the esteem I have for myself when I live without commitment.  Commitment is the sense of purpose (DMP) and vision that fuels the mission of my soul.

You can have anything you want, you just can’t have everything you want.

Week 22 – My emotions

During this week my focus has been on mastering my emotions. 

As Og Mandino stated in Scroll VI:  “Today I will be master of my emotions.  Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts. Each day, when I awaken, I will follow this plan of battle before I am captured by the forces of sadness, self pity and failure—“

I understand that how I feel is my point of attraction so I must concentrate on feeling good.  I am a powerful focusing mechanism and what I choose to focus upon, creates a vibration that becomes my point of attraction. 

I am mastering my emotions. 


Week 21 – Big thoughts

This weeks Master Key message has helped me to re-focus and to concentrate on playing BIG in life.   I am committed to begin to master living a life of being unstoppable in my business. 

” A person who is a master in the art of living makes little distinctions between their work and their play, their labor and their leisure, their mind and their body, their education and their recreation, their love and their religion.  They hardly know which is which and simply pursue their vision of excellence (DMP) and grace. Whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing, to them they are always doing both.”

I reminded that..You can never not be something…..You only BE something. 

Once again…I accept that I have the right to act on my  thoughts, feelings, and ideas without hindrances from others.  Acting is a reflection of who I am and what I believe to be true about myself.  All basic instincts (world within) are good..when I act on my basic instincts I am acting on the belief in my own goodness.  It is only by acting on the deepest desires of my soul that I develop a sense of inner worth to myself and others around me. 

I have the right to love anyone and everyone and be loved by everyone simply because I am alive.  There is nothing I need to do to make myself more lovable or to prove my love.  ” There is nothing more to be added.  The only thing left to do is, to do.”  

Do it now!!! Do it now!!! Do it now!!! Do it now!!! Do it now!!! Do it now!!! Do it now!!! Do it now!!! Do it now!!! Do it now!!! Do it now!!!

Week 20 – Concentrate on my thoughts

During my week of the Master Key mastermind, I am still battling with lesser thoughts as it relates to my business.  It feels like I am at war with my old blueprint.  Therefore, I must concentrate on the words of Og Mandino in Scroll V:

“I live this day as if it is my last.  This day day I make the best day of my life.  This day I drink every minute to its full.  I savor its taste and give thanks.  I maketh every hour count and each minute I trade only for something of value.  I labor harder than ever before and push my muscles until they cry for relief, and then I continue.  I make more calls than ever before.  I sell more goods than ever before.  I earn more gold than ever before. Each minute of today be more fruitful than hours of yesterday.   My last must be my best. ”

I accept that I have the right to act on my  thoughts, feelings, and ideas without hindrances from others.  Acting is a reflection of who I am and what I believe to be true about myself.

I live this day as if it is my last!!!

Week 19 – I have a Right to Manifest my DMP

During this week my old blueprint has been feeding me thoughts of doubt and fear about the success of my business.  So I reminded by Og Mandino in Scroll V:

“Should I concern myself over events which I may never witness?  Should I torment myself with problems that may never come to pass? No! Tomorrow lies buried with yesterday, and I will think of it no more.  I will live this day as if it is my last.  This day is all I have and these hours are now my eternity. “

I believe by virtue of my ability to breathe, I have certain inalienable spiritual rights.  They are the right to have, to act, to feel, to speak and create, to love, and be loved, and to know I have the inherent right to have anything that ensures my basic survival in the face of nature’s elements. 

I have the right to feel safe in my environment, and to participate in the experience of whatever I feel.  No one can validate my feelings, and no one can dismiss them as wrong or incorrect.  I have the right to feel and express my feelings because they are mine!! 

I am unstoppable!!!

I give myself permission to manifest True Health and Liberty.





Week 18 – Thoughts

My Week 18 experience with the Master Keys has been very inspiring.  I understand that the connecting link between the individual and the Universal is Thought!   I’m constantly reminded that ….My thoughts control my life and My questions control my thoughts.

So all week I have been laser focused (concentration) on these questions:

“What would the person I intend to become do next?”

So….am I working for myself or against myself?  (old blueprint)

Do you  realize what’s holding you back is holding you hostage? (old blueprint)

Have you made a choice to try this business or to become successful in this business?

“What would the person I intend to become do next?”

I really get that…Every subject is two subjects.  That which is wanted and the lack of it!!

I am a powerful focusing mechanism and what I choose to focus upon, creates a vibration that becomes my point of attraction.

I give myself permission to manifest my True Health and Liberty DMP!!!

Week 17a – My thoughts control my life. My questions control my thoughts.

During this week Mark J instructed  my Master Mind Alliance to ask the following question….”What am I pretending not to know?”   That was a very powerful question.  So I concentrated on the question and wrote down a list of things that I felt I was pretending.   As I meditated…I remembered the 5 questions that I use frequently to access my inner power.

1. What are you pretending?  2. What is that hiding? 3. What is the impact on you?  4. What is the impact on others?  5. What is the new possibility?

So I answered these questions…and received an inner peace and the courage to “Do it Now!!” for I am nature’s greatest miracle.

Og’s Scroll IV stated,

“I have been given eyes to see and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise.  I no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open.  I look beyond the cloth and I  not be deceived”

Thanks Og…I choose not to play the game most human beings play….you know where …most human beings pretend that they are not pretending about pretending….

I eliminate fear…for I concentrate on courage.   Yes!!!

Week 17 – Living Life Powerfully

The Master Key part 17 states:

34. If you wish to eliminate fear, concentrate on courage.

35. If you wish to eliminate lack, concentrate on abundance.

36. if you wish to eliminate disease, concentrate on health.

So during this week I took inventory of some personal issues in my life that had the DNA of fear…this old blue print was holding me hostage…As I focused on the above Master Key statements….I made a choice to concentrate on courage and amazingly  I had a major breakthrough in my life.    While concentrating on courage… It occurred to me that I was being with life the way it is and the way it is not with nothing added and nothing subtracted!!!!

I realize that self esteem begins with the belief that you have a responsibility to always do your best, that your best is always good enough , and that no one other than you can destroy your self esteem.    You destroy your sense of Self and the esteem you have for that Self when you live without commitment.   I believe commitment is the sense of purpose and vision that fuels the mission of the soul.

I am nature’s greatest miracle.